curious about
Aerial Competitions?
We have a lovely group of students who regularly compete in regional and national competition as well as perform throughout the year at various events in Central Oregon.
Please see our prerequisites below:
Level 3 or higher in the apparatus you would like to compete in.
Hollow body hold (30 sec for intermediate, 60 sec for advanced)
High Plank Hold (30 sec for intermediate, 60 sec for advanced)
Grip hang (30 sec for intermediate, 60 sec for advanced)
Straight leg inverts (straight arm&leg for advanced)
5 Strict pull ups
Close to or achieved Front and Middle Splits
The endurance to string together 5-6 moves from level 1-3 without touching the ground.
Once they can do all of these things, we will invite them to audition
We hold auditions every July for the following season. Audition will consist of a routine that will be told to the students when they arrive at the studio. They will get some time to practice, and then we will separate them in groups to perform the routine. From there, we may ask students to show us specific moves and we will excuse them for the day when we feel like we have seen everything. Please plan for a 2-3 hour timeframe.
We expect every student on our competitive team to come to class at least 2x per week as well as private lessons at least once per month. Private lessons are where we will choreograph and refine their routine, group classes are where they will learn new things and drill their established routines. If you need to miss a class, it is expected that you make it up at a drop in. Drop in classes are with beginners and adults, so it is expected that our comp students are able to behave appropriately around them or they will not be allowed to come to future drop ins.
We expect every student to work on their strength, flexibility, and endurance on days that they are not in the studio as well. Participating in other recreational sports is a great way to supplement.
We expect all students to come to class on time, dressed appropriately, and ready to work.
The regional competitions we participate in are a combination of in person and virtual. The national competitions we participate in are in person only through invitation depending on how they score throughout the year. Please be prepared for the time and monetary commitment.
Events we participate in
Aerialympics regional in Eugene, OR (in person)
Aerialympics regional in Melbourne FL (virtual)
Tula holiday showcase
Various holiday parties needing aerialists
Vivafest in Las Vegas, NV (in person)
Aerialympics regional in San Antonio, TX (in person or virtual)
Aerialympics Nationals in Kansas City, MO (in person - if qualified)
Central Oregon Pride
Tula Summer showcase
Various festivals and markets weekly
Group classes are $31.25 per class. Drop in classes are $22. Depending on how many weeks are in the month, twice a week class cost will fluctuate.
Registration fee per competition can be around $200 per event
Costumes (tights, leotards/unitards, makeup) can be around $100 per routine
Travel costs for yourself as well as contributing to the travel cost of the coach(es)
All exact fees are communicated leading up to the events.