Moving Joyfully Preschool
with Ms. KELLEE
September 2024 - June 2025
Currently for ages 3-5. Our school day will be based on kinetic learning; learning through movement and activity. Children learn by experiencing their world through all of their senses. They acquire knowledge by doing, and by reflection on their experiences. Restriction of movement, especially at a young age, impedes the experiential learning process. Through dance and active exploration the children will have the freedom of self-expression and will develop motor skills along the way. Our active learning will also give the children space to develop self-awareness, self-regulation, and to get to know themselves as thinking individuals by connecting with the body. Our students day will be full of movement, imagination, and joy.
The school day will include an art/craft project or an experiment, a group movement lesson full of stories and imaginative play, space for self directed individual or small group active exploration (building, climbing, balancing, acting out stories...). Each day will follow the same rhythm so the children will know what to expect and can feel safe to be brave and explore. It will also allow for easier transitions in and out of school and between activities once they know the routine of the day. Children must be potty trained.
Tuesdays & Thursdays 9am-1pm, September 3rd -June 13th
plus $100 annual youth enrollment fee
Closure Dates (NO SCHOOL)
-Spring Break March 24th through March 28th